Sunday, February 14, 2010

It's only a memory.

What does my tattoo mean?
It really does explain itself, but of course there's a story behind it. "It's only a memory" is what is tattooed on my chest. I sorta got it for someone but more for myself, it is my body. Well memories are all we have of the past; the good, the bad, and in between. But the memories that are remembered here are of you. And those are memories I don't want to lose. You are the one; my love. Memories of our time spent together are priceless to me. If and when that day comes where we aren't in a relationship, I am willing to accept it because I love you. -That to me means true real love. I have never felt love like this EVER before and my mind and heart understand the real meaning of love now. I wish I could explain this better. But yeah, basically it's only a memory of what WE; were, are, and will be.

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