Wednesday, September 23, 2009

INTEREST. the topic of this blog entry.
what is it that makes another person interested? you just want to find out every little thing about them. and just right when you seem to get bored with that person, interest just kicks in all over again and you crave the need to know more. a person can be boring as hell but yet why do we seem to hold interest? is it love and can it be that powerful? we just want to find out every little detail down to each secret. but it seems that when all the secrets are out, things change. I'm not a stalker get it straight. but curiosity got me hooked, its like a drug. and you know the old saying curiosity killed the cat. maybe not finding out everything about the other person is a good thing. but i wont let an old cliche saying get to me. times have changed but have the people? i hope so. and when i do find out somethings that i shouldn't, lets hope there aren't dramatic changes. i like where we are but i only want to get closer. is that to much to ask? do i come off to strong? i cant help but be me, and if that's something i need to work on, only time will help and tell. where do go from here?

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